Enjoy specialty cocktail recipes from our world-class bartenders 
in a secluded bar located on the top floor of the hotel.

You’ll feel like you’re reaching the sky!

World Best BarSelected by World Best 50, 2024
Business hours
6PM - 12AM (Last Order 11:30PM)
59 seats (Hall 52 seats, PDR 7 seats)
  • Signature Sweet and sour from Jeju-do
    Sprit of Jeju A sweet yet savory, refreshing cocktail made with Jeju-do Hallabong tangerine juice, Pisco, and Mandarin oranges 29,000 KRW - Alcohol 27,000 KRW - Non-Alcohol
  • Signature Sweet and bubbly kisses
    Kiss the Bubbles This signature cocktail popular among ladies features a rum base with Marque d'Amour's homemade pineapple and vanilla-flavored syrup and passion fruit-flavored bubbles added to it. 29,000 KRW
  • Marque d'Amour Signature Cocktail Special recipes only available
    at Marque d'Amour.
  • Not Just an Ordinary Gin
    and Tonic
    A gin and tonic to be savored!
    A feast for your mouth, and your eyes.
  • Find Out Your Flavors Variety cocktails
    made by our fabulous bartenders.

What's New

Coming Soon

Marque d'Amour
Customer Center
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이메일 contact@lescapehotel.com 을 통해 연락 부탁드립니다.

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L’Escape Hotel of JOSUN HOTELS & RESORTS Inc. (hereinafter the “Company”) values its guests’ information including e-mail addresses registered by customers while using the service of the Company’s website (hereinafter the “Website”). The Company does not collect e-mail address without customers’ consents. If a company automatically collects its customers’ e-mail addresses by using technical means to send commercial e-mails, it shall be faced with less than a year jail sentence or be fined less than KRW10, 000,000 in accordance with the Subparagraph 3 of the Paragraph 5 of the Article 50 of the Korean Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (IT Network Act).